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Solar energy has been in the news for years and will continue to be a hot topic of discussion. In some areas of the country, like the Southwest, it’s easy to see the benefits and a quicker payback on the system. But is solar the right choice for you in Missouri?

According to CREC’s Neal Harrell, who works with members on solar, that’s a tough question only you can answer, and after doing a lot of homework. “The best thing you can do before leaping into solar,” Harrell says, “is to research, research, research.” First, determine if solar is right for your home or business. “This is where CREC can assist you with a candid assessment so that you can make an informed decision,” he says.

Next, if you choose solar, review companies that sell these systems. As with any large investment, thoroughly research the companies you’re considering and the manufacturer of the products offered. Here are just a few questions you may want to ask:

What solar products does your company install? Once you know this, look at the panel manufacturer’s warranties and efficiency.

Can you provide customer testimonials? Check out respected customer-review sites like Angi or the Better Business Bureau to gauge the seller’s and manufacturer’s performance.

Is the company local? Getting a company to travel any distance for service after the installation may be difficult.

Have you worked with the local electric utility? It helps if the company you plan to purchase from is already familiar with the particulars of your local utility. It’s not a good sign if they don’t have a relationship with the utility or are reluctant to discuss it.

Can you provide an estimated ROI (return on investment) sheet? If your salesperson can’t deliver this, visit and click on Get Your Estimate to learn your estimated solar system payback using CREC’s information.

Who will be installing the system? Not all companies have in-house installers so they may subcontract this part of the job. If this is the case, research the installer as well. There should be complete transparency about the process. Talk to neighbors and friends who have already installed solar and ask about their experience. Above all, Harrell says, don’t feel pressured to sign a contract immediately. The tax credit for solar is funded through 2034. Harrell states, “If it is a good deal today, it will still be a good deal after you research it.”

For as much as solar systems cost, CREC encourages members to gain as much knowledge as possible before buying. Visit to learn more or call CREC’s Neal Harrell at 636-695-4834.