Your community is our community. That's why Cuivre River Electric Cooperative (CREC) makes it a point to offer programs that enhance and sustain the areas in which we all live, work, and play. Here are just some of the ways we support the communities we serve.
Operation Round Up
A community outreach program funded by members through the Cuivre River Electric Community Trust. CREC members contribute by "rounding up" their electric bill payments each month. The goal of the program is to help individuals, families, and communities to address unmet needs in the areas of health, youth, education, home weatherization, community, and emergency services.
Learn more about Operation Round Up
Green Tree Partnership Grant
Our transmission cooperative, Central Electric Power Cooperative, offers a Green Tree Partnership that's designed to assist communities in the planting of trees. We recognize the impact that trees have upon the quality of life and that is why we are providing a qualified community up to $500 for the purchase and planting of trees. If your application is approved for funding by Central, Cuivre River Electric Cooperative will do a match of up to $500! Possible projects include trees planted along roads, in parks, courthouse yards, school grounds, and historic sites. For more information, contact Neal Harrell at 636-695-4834.
Community and Economic Development
CREC is dedicated to achieving common goals, helping our communities grow and prosper, and making a positive impact on the communities we serve through innovative economic development.
Learn more about economic development
Sharing Success
Sharing Success is a matching grant program created by CREC's financial partner CoBank. The cooperative bank partners with its customers, like CREC, to support the causes and organizations they care about. Grant recipients are selected by the CREC Board of Directors annually as money is set aside specifically for awarding them. CREC has been participating since 2012 when CoBank started the grant-matching program.
2024 Grant Recipients 2023 Grant Recipients 2022 Grant Recipients