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CREC relies on data for nearly every aspect of its operations, so having your most accurate and complete contact information helps us continue providing the high level of service that you expect and deserve. Accurate information also enables us to enhance communications for reporting and repairing outages.

Your phone number(s)
Your account information may need a review to ensure it’s current. Many members may have had their landline disconnected and now use a mobile phone as their primary phone service — but the number was never updated in our system. The phone number you provided is linked to your service address in our outage management system.  When you call to report an outage, our system must have the correct phone number so that it recognizes and matches it with your account location.
With planned outages to update, repair, or replace equipment, we do provide advance notification to affected members through automated phone messages or text messages — BUT, we must have your updated phone number to do so.

Your email address
Like your phone number, a current email address is vital when it comes to communication with your co-op.
Unless your CREC account is specifically for your own business, or you manage a CREC account for your workplace, you may not want to use a work email address as a part of your contact information for CREC service at your home. If you leave your employer, your work email address becomes invalid. Communication from CREC sent to that email gets lost in cyberspace. For the CREC account that services your home, consider using an email address that’s not likely to change.

Your mailing address
If you’ve been a member of CREC for a while, you know about capital credits, which are similar to profit margins in other businesses. 

Your capital credits are reserved for you even if you discontinue CREC service. The co-op will attempt to reach you when refunds are made — IF a current address is on file. This is also important if you establish a new service — make sure to let us know if you’ve previously been a CREC member so that we can keep your past and current records up to date.

Your service/9-1-1 address
Due to growth in rural areas such as Warren County, some members may have had a change in their 9-1-1 address. A 9-1-1 address is a normal street address but is distinct from a P.O. Box or Rural Route address in that it ties the location to the actual street it is on — so that in an emergency, first responders (and utility workers) know where to go. For example, say a member’s home or business is located on a large acreage, and the member decides to build a second home or a business elsewhere on the same property. That second new home or business may initially use the same address as the original dwelling but eventually, it will be assigned a new 9-1-1 address. In this instance, if the member receives their CREC bill electronically instead of through the mail, they may have forgotten to update their physical 9-1-1 service address with CREC.  

Keeping the co-op updated with your information also helps us when there’s a question about energy use or billing, or to notify registered members of any changes in co-op event details. In addition, discrepancies on your account can be taken care of promptly if CREC has accurate account information.

Please know that your information will NEVER be shared with any third parties. It is only used by CREC to send important information to you.

So ... if you haven’t done so in a while, please take a moment to confirm or update your account information. Phone numbers, emails, and alert options may be updated through our secure online portal here, or by calling us at 800-392-3709. To update an address, call us or stop by one of the CREC offices.